Here we have gathered everything you need to get help and support. You can find step-by-step guides, answers to your questions and contact details.
We would be happy to discuss your next project. Fill in your details and we'll be in touch.
Send us an email when you need support or have questions. We will then contact you as soon as possible, either by phone or email depending on the issue.
Feel free to give us a call if you think that the problem needs to be solved over the phone. You can reach us during weekdays between 9am - 4pm.
Call: +46 10-33 00 580
Sometimes we may need to remotely monitor your computer to be able to provide you with the best support.
Download the remote supportIn this section, we've collected step-by-step guides and other things we often get asked about. Have a look around and see if you can find the answer you're looking for.